What is the ELP 2000?
The ELP 2000 is a Portable Water Detection Device that was developed by oilfield workers for oilfield workers. It provides a quick and accurate method of detecting water when gauging crude oil storage tanks, chemical storage tanks, and any other application where water detection is required including freshwater.
This device works jointly with an existing standard steel gauge line to produce immediate and precise fluid level measurements in any conditions including extreme heat or cold.
This new safer method replaces the old way of using paste on a gauge line which is messy and time-consuming.

Creator of the ELP 2000
the facts you will value the most
Intrinsically safe tank
gauging device
Powered by
4 AAA batteries
Has used the E.L.P. 2000 for the past 15 year in the testing facilities under extremely cold conditions.
Hazardous areas certified for Class 1, Division 1, and Class 1, Zone 0
Need a better method?
How does the ELP 2000 work?
- The ELP 2000 attaches to any existing steel gauge line. Simply unscrew the current handle and attach the ELP 2000.
- Plug in Grounding cable and clamp to bottom of the ELP 2000. Ensure the ELP2000 is properly grounded before operating the ELP 2000. The grounding clip is crucial to ensure 99.9999% accuracy and safety.
- The ELP 2000 utilizes the patent pending Chisel Plum Bob to immediately identify contact with water. Once the Plum Bob encounters water, the light on the ELP 2000 will illuminate.
- Once depth is recorded, the user can calculate the amount of water vs. crude in the tank. Example: With a 16 ft. tank (assuming it is full), if the ELP 2000 illuminates at 4 ft from the top, this indicates there is 12 ft of water and 4 ft of crude.
What does the ELP 2000 include?
- ELP 2000 Water Detection Device
- Grounding clip
- 10ft Coiled grounding cable with locking banana clip
- Patent-pending chisel plumb bob
- Hard-shell plastic storage case

Top Reasons To Own The ELP 2000
It is portable to be used anywhere in the field.
Check the accuracy of existing tank fixed radar water detectors and will allow you to calibrate.
Check chemicals concentrations in the field on how much water is used to cut chemical concentration.
Check water well levels.
Increases employee safety by minimizing exposure while gauging.
Can the ELP 2000 be Used on?
- Production Oil Tanks
- Produced Water Tanks
- Major Off-Shore Oil Spills
- Gun BBL Tanks
- Skim Oil Tanks
- Gasoline Fuel Storage Tanks
- Chemical Storage Tanks
- Tank Batteries
- Diesel Fuel Storage Tanks
- Water Station Storage Tanks
- Naphtha Storage Tanks
- Methanol Storage Tanks
- Relies on water detecting paste to determine water level.
- Time-consuming
- Extremely messy application and cleanup process.
- Takes more time to prep and clean.
- Gauging a tank several times to get average reading.
- Removing excessive amounts of crude when pulling water from tanks which results in loosing oil (“MONEY”).
- Extreme weather conditions can prevent accurate readings.
- Employees are exposed to inclement weather conditions and toxic fumes for longer periods of time
- Quick and Easy – Takes 5 minutes or less of gauging to identify oil and water levels.
- Intrinsically safe - UL Certified for both Class 1, Division 1 and Class 1, Zone 0.
- Equipped with a grounding clamp and cord to ensure the device is properly grounded.
- Bright light indicator illuminates in solid state immediately once in contact with water.
- 99.999% accurate. Exact identification of water levels every time.
- Reduces loss due to inaccurate readings.
- Minimizes employee exposure on tank catwalks during inclement weather conditions
- Eliminates messy application and cleanup processes.
- Protective carrying case that can be stored inside a vehicle to allow for quick access.
- Powered by 4-AAA batteries.